Sunday, January 18, 2015

Leftover panettone pudding

It takes a while for the holidays to become a memory around here. But this "pudding" might finally have done the trick.

How many boxes of panettone came my way this Christmas I really can't say, but I know that this is the last one because I repurposed it last night by turning it into a dessert. I can't take credit for the idea, only the execution. My Associate devised the notion of panettone bread pudding one Christmas a few years back, and a fine idea it was. If you have a panettone laying around, I'd suggest you give this pudding a try. It's even worth going out and buying one expressly for this purpose.

Any panettone will do, though this is the classic version, with raisins and candied fruit. Just start ripping away at it and you're on your way.

Break up the panettone entirely, layer it onto a baking sheet and let it toast in the oven for 10 or 15 minutes.

Like so.

I'm afraid you're on your own regarding exact measurements; after all, we're just hacking around here, and the amount of panettone you use will determine what needs to be added to it. But the basic idea is this: mix together some eggs (two here), a combination of heavy cream and milk (I don't know, maybe a cup and a half total in this batch, maybe more), some vanilla extract, cinnamon, and a touch of nutmeg. Or anything else you want to add, come to think of it; playing around is highly encouraged.

Once the eggs and cream mix is fully blended then just add in the toasted panettone until fully incorporated. The bread should completely absorb the liquid, and if the mix seems dry then add more milk or cream because it should be moist not dry.

That's the completed mixture right there.

My spring-form pans were too large for this batch and so I buttered the hell out of this number, and floured it too, in order to make sure it'd slide out easily after cooking. Then it went into the oven, preheated to 350 degrees F, and around 45 minutes later it was done.

It slid out of the pan just fine, by the way. And there's only one piece left, so if you're interested I'd suggest you hurry over here right away.


  1. Sounds so good! We just finished off a regular bread pudding, but I'll remember this for next year.

  2. I wish I had some panettone lying around. I'd eat it as is. Then if I still had leftovers, I'd sure try that pudding recipe. Did you add any extra fruit?

  3. Nope, no extra fruit, there was plenty in the panettone. Worth buying one just to try too, so get crackin'.

  4. Interesting application. I actually had tried a different approach, and used the Panettone for French Toast. It worked out rather well. This however isvery interesting and will be ventured into next time.

  5. No kidding?
    Hope it's good.
    And Happy New Year, C.
