Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Braised short ribs with pine nuts

This is one of those cook-it-today-but-maybe-eat-it-tomorrow kinda deals. The flavors knit together even better with time.

I had it both ways. The batch of short ribs I prepared the other day were eaten that same evening, but there were enough leftovers for another couple of meals.

I ain't as dumb as I look.

Very liberally salt the ribs (4 1/2 pounds here), and don't forget some freshly ground black pepper.

Then dredge in all-purpose flour.

In a large dutch oven brown the ribs in a plenty of olive oil, then remove and set aside.

Add one diced onion, two celery stalks, two carrots, one leek, eight garlic cloves, a few anchovy filets, some thyme, and half a cup of pine nuts, and saute until softened.

Then add a bottle (750 ml) of red wine (I used an inexpensive Sangiovese but most any dry red will do) and turn up the heat to high. Note: If you prefer to use a dry white wine instead, nobody's stopping you.

After the wine has boiled for five minutes or so add a quart of homemade stock (I had chicken stock around but beef or even vegetable stock would be fine). Cover and put in the oven, preheated to 350-375 degrees F. The ribs should cook for around three hours, but every 45 minutes or so turn the ribs.

These short ribs were in the oven exactly three hours. When I put a fork to the meat it was about as soft and tender as it gets, which is what you want.

Remove the ribs and toss the bones.

Then slice the meat into inch or so pieces.

And serve with some of the sauce. On this particular occasion My Associate had prepared a very nice mashed potato and celery root combo, which turned out to be a pretty much perfect match. However, most anything will work here (egg noodles, spaetzle, polenta, whatever).

Just be sure to make enough for those leftovers.


  1. Have you a recipe for the potato and celery root mash..... every thing looks terrific.
    Thanks Mr. Meatball !!!!! Love your posts

  2. Basically half potato, half celery root, boiled, then mashed with butter and milk.

  3. i have been away from your blog for a long time - what fun I'm having catching up! Your food always looks so scrumptous, and your stories are sublime. Cheers!
