Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Duck egg pasta

With all the fresh pasta making that goes on around here, you'd think that at some point I'd have gotten around to using duck eggs. I've thought about it enough, but the eggs just aren't that easy to find.

I like duck eggs. A lot of people don't because they have a much stronger flavor than hen eggs, but that's actually the thing I enjoy most about them. Duck eggs really taste like something?

Anyway, I scored a dozen of the eggs at the winter farmers' market here in town on Saturday morning. Right after lunch (potatoes and duck eggs, of course), I set about to my work.

Doctor Bill at the Lipitorium would not approve, what with these having twice the cholesterol of hens' eggs, but just look at these things, would you.

Fresh-off-the-farm eggs are always richer in color (and taste) than store bought, but duck eggs are in a class by themselves. The yolks aren't only huge, they're more strongly flavored than hen egg yolks. It really is impossible not to notice the difference, I think.

I've made a lot of egg-based pasta, but the color here is the brightest I've seen.

Here's the dough that I wound up with. It really came together very well.

I decided to go with a thick spaghetti and so out came my trusted chitarra.

This is a very delicate tomato sauce. The flavor of the pasta itself really came through. I liked it a lot, in fact, and will definitely add the duck eggs to my routine.

If you're a pasta maker, and can get your hands on the eggs, I strongly suggest giving this a try.

Duck egg pasta dough

2 1/2 cups 00 flour
3 duck eggs
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Pinch of salt

Pour the flour onto a work surface and, with your fingers or a fork, create a well in the center.
Crack the eggs and place them in the well, then add the oil and the salt and mix as if making scrambled eggs.
Slowly incorporate the flour into the egg mixture until a dough forms (I use a pastry cutter to turn over the mixture a couple times when it becomes dough-like).
Knead until the dough is well formed, adding flour as needed.
Place the dough ball in a plastic bag and leave it in the fridge overnight. Before using make sure to bring the dough up to room temperature. It's also okay to use the dough the same day you make it. But let it rest (covered) at least a couple hours at room temperature before rolling it out.


  1. I don't know what I'm coveting more - the finished pasta, or that chitarra. I've always wanted to have one, and wish my mother-in-law had never gotten rid of hers (before I came on the scene)

  2. Linda: Fante's in Philadelphia sells the chitarra, and they're not expensive at all. Get yourself one.

  3. Next you should make balut pasta.
    That would give it an interesting texture, with those tiny bones and beaks.

  4. Yum. I am now imagining what you could do with an ostrich egg! Food-wise, of course.

  5. Tom: I nearly bought a bunch of balut, at an Asian market here in town. Good thing the owner asked if I knew what it was BEFORE I plunked down my cash. Scary.

    Fred: When I come fishing this year I expect there to be some O-eggs awaiting. Now THAT would be innerestin.

  6. The heavy golden yolks of the duck eggs really brought out a bright color in the pasta. In my opinion gives the pasta a richer taste and presentation.

    I have access to duck eggs ( a co-worker) but have shied away from them. I need to reconsider. I think you have convinced me that it is good.
