Sunday, July 1, 2012

How to roast peppers

I go through a lot of these things, especially in the summer. Far more sweet peppers get run through the outdoor gas grill than anything else I can think of.  And practically every one of them is whole roasted.

This won't take but a minute, I promise.

All you do is fire up the grill and bring the temperature to around 400 degrees F or so. Then lay the peppers down and close the cover; flip them a couple times so that they cook evenly. (This works just as well in an indoor oven, but use a pan for the peppers to catch any moisture that leaks out.)

Once they're cooked toss the peppers into a brown paper bag and roll the top of the bag closed. This helps the skins to separate and peel off more easily.

Leave the peppers in the bag until they cool to room temperature, then peel them, remove the inner seeds and slice into whichever size pieces you prefer.

Toss the peppers with some garlic and extra virgin olive oil, then season with salt, pepper, and any herbs you might like. (Many people use vinegar as well, but I don't.)

And there you go. You can eat them right away or they'll keep for a while in the fridge.

Around here they don't last more than a day or two, and so pretty soon it's back to the grill for another round.


  1. Love the multi-coloration of your dish. Two questions, how do you judge the grilled peppers done--because I often over cook and burn mine. Also: I never seem to see green bell peppers roasted. Why is that?

  2. Fred: Green peppers, I think, are not sweet enough. That's why I personally avoid them for this. Never use them in peppers & eggs either. As for doneness, don't forget that they soften further when basically steaming in the paper bag.

  3. Oh how I miss real peppers.

    When I first left Southern Europe and saw peppers in a northern super market, I stood there confused. I kept wondering why they would put wax vegetables next to real fruit and veg? Well OBVIOUSLY they were wax but still some people might get confused.

    Imagine my shock when it turned out those huge, fat, round, shiny things were real!

    I think they originate in Holland, there is a joke in other parts of Europe about the Dutch being able to cut water with a knife. This is due to all the fertilized they traditionally use.

    These shiny peppers are about all I can find in New England. I've heard of New Mexico and other states having real ones, but not around here.

    And when there is nothing else I eat those, but damn do they taste like crap.

  4. Good tutorial...the red are my favorite...affordable and sweet!

  5. Ah - superb blog, really enjoy your Italian spirit. My Nona taught me to make roasted peppers and also used a paper bag to finish the process.

    Times have changed - Please do NOT use paper or plastic bags - these bags contain contaminants that will absorb into your food. A simple alternative is a glass bowl with a snug plate on top. Just trust me on this - our grandparents in the "Old Country" did not use processed paper or plastic. And most of them lived a full life into their late 80's and 90's. Va bene!

  6. Do you have a favorite 'recipe' for pickled peppers?
    Or do I gotta ask Peter...
    (Juz tryin' ta blend in heahr.)

  7. Actually I don't.

    So I guess Pete's your man.


  8. I have a gas range, so I've always roasted peppers over the gas burner in the stove top, not in the oven.
    Guess I need to try it otherwise. However, I'll be grilling peppers outside, on the grill, on Thursday, thanks for the suggestion.
