Thursday, August 9, 2012

The 7-minute tomato sauce

Of course I timed it!

I was flying solo last night and so this is a single serving. It relies heavily on a just-picked summer tomato, but when desperate for a fix store-bought on-the-vine types are an acceptable alternative.

Let's have at it, shall we.

While you are heating olive oil (for one minute at medium high heat) in a small pan, dice the tomato and one or two garlic cloves.

The garlic goes into the pan first, and should saute for a minute and a half at medium heat.

Then the tomato and three or four fresh basil leaves go in, plus salt and pepper to taste. At this point bring the heat back up, nearly to high.

And four and a half minutes later this is what you have got.

Hell, the farfalle took 12 minutes.


  1. You must be using Italian import pasta. In which case, you had time enough to skin and seed that beautiful red orb. Yum. Every try growing your own garlic? I know you don't live in Gilroy, but, heck, it's right next to Watsonville, and if you can do carciofi........

  2. Imported pasta, yes, of course.

    And I plant the garlic this fall, Fred. Let you know how that turns out.

  3. Do the tomatoes really have to be skinned and seeded?

  4. I am looking for a fast tomato sauce for a party. Does this keep? If it does, it's an answered prayer.

  5. Sure, it'll keep.

    'Cept you may need a couple more tuhmaters!

  6. In a simple-minded way, I guess. But grazie!

  7. You sure you and Joe B aren't brothers? "Business travel should be so simple." In quotes so I don't get hammered like Fareed.

  8. Dead simple is the word, and I have often made this recipe, and its amazing. Loved the end result, btw.
