Friday, August 2, 2013

Anna's Day

I was born into a tightly knit family. I'm lucky that way. Most days I really do hate living so far away from them all.

This isn't one of those days.

It is Aunt Anna's birthday, see, and I am wishing her a happy one in a very public forum. My mother's sister will not take kindly to this display. In fact, she'll be mad at me for drawing any attention to her at all.

But, hey, there are 300 miles separating us at the moment. What's she gonna do, smack me? Besides, Anna is in her eighties now. If I'm lucky she'll forget all about this by the next time I see her, even though I am hoping that the next time I see her will be very soon. (Easy there, Annie; that's a joke.)

If you have followed this blog for any length of time, even for just a little while, Aunt Anna is already known to you. You have been treated to her recipes for the perfect Easter grain pie and Easter meat pie, even her fabulous pasticiotti. You might also have witnessed her step-by-step instructions for making the best baked clamsstuffed calamari, and old-school eggplant parm. Not to mention the absolute feast that she and Aunt Rita have put on every single Christmas Eve of my entire adult life.

I have asked Rita to fire up her computer and show this to Anna today. I've also decided not to prolong my aunt's discomfort by describing in greater detail how deeply I love her, or how important to me she has been and still is.

I owe the woman that much on her birthday.


  1. Yes, I know this woman, because I have followed your blog since the beginning.

    Happy Birthday Aunt Anna!!!

    Many love you.

  2. A very happy birthday to "Aunt Anna." MM, you are blessed to have her. BTW -- just love her stuffed mushrooms.

  3. Happy Birthday Aunt Anna!

    Thanks for all the recipes that Meatball shares with us. You rock!

  4. I can almost hear her speak! Happy Birthday Anna! And keep an eye on him!

  5. Happy birthday to your Aunt Anna
    Obviously there is great love and respect

  6. Wishing Aunt Anna. a very Happy Birthday.
    Cent' anni!

  7. I too "know" this woman because I have an aunt Anna as well I live 200 miles from my beloved family. It brought tears to my eyes when I read the "Christmas Eve". how I miss that!!!!! I am first generation Italian-American my father born and lived in Naples now gone. I was raised by my Italian grandparents pretty much since my mother worked alot and learned to cook at age nine watching her make raviolis laid on white sheeted top of bedspread to dry.

  8. Happy Birthday Anna, I love your blog, too bad people don't have and Aunt Anna in their lives, her recipes sound heavenly, maybe that is why you are so knowlegable about real food from Italy and not the kind most restaurants would want the customer to only eat...I have an aunt she is now 96 soon, still as smart as mom's only living relative and my only living relative on my Mother's side alive, we live pretty far apart but I get down and see her when I can with my hubs..ciao!
